Colloids, nanoparticles, and materials for imageing, delivery, ablatio…
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- Date : 21-07-14 18:45
- Views : 3,192 time
[내용 요약]
(Theranostics 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 9)
At high intensities, FUS is capable of selectively ablating tissue with focus on the millimeter scale, presenting an alternative to surgical intervention or management of malignant growth. At low intensities, FUS can be also used for other medical applications such as local delivery of drugs and blood brain barrier opening( BBBO). Contrast agents offer an opportunity to increase selective acoustic absorption or facilitate destructive cavitation processes by converting incident acoustic energy into thermal and mechanical energy. First, we review the history of FUS and its effects on living tissue. Next, we present different colloidal or nanoparticulate approaches to sensitizing FUS , for example using microbubbles, phase shift em ulsions , hollow shelled nanoparticles , or hydrophobic silica surfaces . Exploring the science behind these interactions, we also discuss ways to make stimulus responsive, or “turn on” contrast agents for improved selectivity. Finally, we discuss acousticall y active hydrogels and membranes . This review will be of interest to those working in materials who wish to explore new applications in acoustics and those in acoustics who are seeking new agents to improve the efficacy of their approaches
FUS를 이용한 진단치료에 대해서 현재까지 진행되어 온 과정을 개괄적으로 잘 요약된 자료입니다. 특히 Drug Delivery 분야에 대해서 많은 부분을 소개하고 있습니다. Acoustically active materials , Phase change fluorocarbon droplets, Fluorocarbon infusedmonodisperse hollow nanoparticles, Fluorocarbon-free colloidal materials , Stimuli-Responsive colloidal materials, 등의주제로 물질에 대한 research 현황에 대한 소개가 되어 있으며 경피약물전달에 활용될 수 있는 Acoustically active hydrogels and Membranes 부분등에 대한 기술개발현황 미래에 대한 가능성과 방향 제시를 하고 있음.